Thanksgiving Dinner was one big affair this year! Jim brought over a 10 kilo turkey, that he cooked to absolute perfection on his grill and everyone contributed to the great meal! Thanks to Jim Street for the perfect turkey and everyone else that brought over food and drinks. After eating, we read a thanksgiving message altogether and had some tunes together, altogether a very fun evening!
Had a great time, when we invited Dennis and Stephanie for dinner (that Ken prepared, thanks Ken!)After that was a bible class, our "12 Foundation Stones class"
This year we took the kids out trick or treating, they had loads of fun and got to meet lots of people! Most of the people in the neighborhood had fun giving the kids treats, the party was fun too...
Here's some picture's from Aiko's party, the main event was the pinata, that took several of us a couple of days to make, and was beat up and it goodies taken out in minutes! Poor Pink Panther! But everyone had fun, Funatsu-san and his kids all came and some of the guys from Okagaki as well....Enjoy!
Ura-san and his son Tatsumi came over for some of Ken's great pasta & Gideon and Dust's music...overall, the evening was great! Below Gideon makes a point about music and Ura-san ended up taking care of the baby most of the evening!
Angelo and Daichi sing the birthday song! Ryoma and Tommy pose with the caught fish (which we barbecued, yum!) Making new friends and faces! Barbecue for everyone! Boys back from swimming! Big gathering of hungry people!
After a tiring day at the river, we were invited to Funatsu-san's new Japo-Italian restaurant in Momochi, as you can see it was a very pleasant experience! God Bless Funatsu-san who's been a long-time friend of Crystal and her family, please pray that his business continues to do well!